The short answer is yes.
Over 71 million American adults struggle with metabolic syndrome every year. Metabolic syndrome is a group of health problems that include too much fat around the waist, elevated blood pressure, high triglycerides, and elevated blood sugar. Over 33.5% of Americans are living at an increased risk of contracting diabetes, heart disease, or even stroke by not properly caring for their triglyceride levels. The scariest part? The majority of those suffering from high cholesterol or a high triglyceride count don’t even realize they are at risk.
For those that have a genetic trigylceride disorder and high cholesterol levels, fatty deposits under the skin often develop. Known as xanthomas (zan-THOH-muhs), these deposits are made of cholesterol-rich material and often are experienced by someone that has a metabolic syndrome. Xanthomas can be removed by a doctor, however there is no guarantee they won’t return again without better triglyceride regulation.
Besides genetics, what can cause high triglyceride counts?
Obesity, high alcohol consumption, uncontrolled diabetes or high calorie consumption can lead to heightened triglyceride counts. Some medications are said to increase them as well, such as steroids, beta blockers, estrogen and even birth control.
So what can you do to better regulate and control your metabolic system?
As with many medical conditions, exercise and a weight management system may help. Research has also found that limiting sugars in ones diet is also beneficial. Smoking and alcohol consumption also heighten triglyceride counts, so quitting these unhealthy activities are also beneficial.
Let’s be honest, all of these suggestions are not exactly the easiest thing for us to do. Sometimes balancing work, family, and daily exercise can be tedious and overwhelming. Quitting smoking or drinking may also be tough. There are also many Americans who eat right, exercise and don’t drink or smoke and still experience high triglycerides. For those people, and those that aren’t ready to change their lifestyle as suggested, statins may be an option.
However, a lot of people are already taking statins, and exercising, and even balancing a healthy diet on their own. But even then, their triglyceride count and metabolic syndrome continue to be problematic. So what then?
Are there other options out there?
A research study may be an option. Fraser Clinical Trials is excited to be testing a potential new medication for high triglycerides. Participants will receive free care from a board certified doctor and access to a new medication to the general public. Learn more below.